Akshay Kumar is overwhelmed with the audience response with the trailer release of his upcoming historical drama Prithviraj. The trailer of the movie was released yesterday and has reached close to 5 crore views on streaming platform YouTube in a short span of time. Love has been pouring for him and Manushi Chillar who is making her Bollywood debut with this movie.
Reacting to the positive reaction, Akshay Kumar opened up about how doing meaningful and powerful movies mean so much to him as an actor. He has always been prone to choosing patriotic films and Prithviraj marks his first period drama. Commenting on the same, he said, “We wanted to give a glorious and the most authentic tribute to the incredibly valiant Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan and I’m so happy that the trailer has resonated with the audience”.
Akshay also added that the entire team has worked really hard to bring the story of the mighty ruler Prithviraj Chauhan on screen. He said, “It has truly been an honour to play a man who stood for his country, no matter what the consequence,”
The movie directed by Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi stars Akshay Kumar and Manushi Chillar in lead roles. It also stars Sanjay Dutt, Sonu Sood and Ashutosh Rana. The movie is all set to hit the theatres on the 3rd of June this year.