In the glitzy world of Bollywood, nothing spells triumph like a nod from a loved one. Vicky Kaushal, the charismatic star of “Uri: The Surgical Strike,” recently experienced such a moment of elation. After his wife, the stunning Katrina Kaif, showered praise on his dance performance in the latest track “Tauba Tauba” from his upcoming movie “Bad Newz,” Kaushal felt like he had won an “Oscar.”
The actor shared his joy in a candid moment during a recent interview, stating that Katrina’s compliment meant the world to him. “When Katrina appreciated my dance in ‘Tauba Tauba,’ it felt like winning an Oscar. Her words are my biggest reward,” he said, his eyes gleaming with happiness.
“Tauba Tauba,” the new sizzling number, has already set social media abuzz with its catchy tune and spectacular choreography. Vicky Kaushal’s energetic moves have been a highlight, drawing fans and critics alike into a frenzy. However, the ultimate accolade for Kaushal came from his wife, who is herself a renowned dancer and actress.
Katrina Kaif, known for her impeccable dance skills and blockbuster hits, took to Instagram to laud her husband’s performance. “Absolutely loved Vicky’s dance in ‘Tauba Tauba’! His energy and passion are infectious,” she wrote, adding a series of heart emojis.
The power couple, who tied the knot in a dreamy ceremony last year, have been the talk of the town ever since. Their public displays of affection and mutual admiration continue to win hearts across the globe. This recent exchange is just another testament to their strong bond and shared passion for cinema.
Fans of Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif are eagerly anticipating more such delightful moments. With “Bad Newz” set for release soon, the anticipation is at an all-time high. Will “Tauba Tauba” become the next big chartbuster? Only time will tell, but for now, Vicky Kaushal is basking in the glory of his “Oscar-winning” moment.
Stay tuned for more updates on Vicky Kaushal, Katrina Kaif, and all the latest Bollywood buzz!